How I came to brand strategy consulting

Out of college I produced theater in southern New Mexico, mounting a new production every four to six weeks non-stop for 5 years. People rehearsed with me for three hours a night after working eight hours a day. Then they performed on the weekends, all for little or no money. Why would they do this? Working together in service of something greater than you is very satisfying.


When is it time to rewrite your brand story?

When is it time to rewrite your brand story? When things change, when there’s new leadership, a new process or new technology, a volatile marketplace, or when a maverick competitor takes market share, then you change your story. I’ll help you provide the context in which your story can be believably elevated.


Be Like Water

Be Like Water. Solve problems like water does.

Water, when faced with an obstacle, changes direction. When faced with circumstances beyond its control — like heat or cold — water changes form, to steam or ice. Water yields to the problem. Water is both yielding and unstoppable.

Water is life. Life is unfair and unpredictable. Water is always changing itself or what it encounters. Water has the power to change the shape of the Earth. It can be a destructive force or a gentle healer. Water is a source of energy and a mode of transportation. Water can be inspirational, mathematical, physical, mysterious, multi-dimensional, and metaphorical.
